After spending a wonderful romantic evening with someone you love, it is only natural that you cannot wait to see them again. However, things can take a turn for the worse. The person you had the most fantastic evening with is suddenly accusing you of date rape.
Date rape describes nonconsensual sexual intercourse between two people who went on a date or voluntarily spent time together. Date rape is sexual abuse in the third degree in Iowa, and a conviction for date rape is a Class C felony. False accusations of rape are more common than you can imagine, and they can ruin your life. You should take these extra precautionary steps to prevent further damage to your case.
Do not attempt to contact your accuser
It might be tempting to reach out and ask why they are making such accusations against you, but this is a mistake. The accuser can use your messages and calls against you. They may say you are intimidating or threatening them, even when you are not. Once someone accuses you of rape, everything you say and share with others can incriminate you. Remain calm and silent. You do not have to say anything without your lawyer present.
Avoid being alone with your accuser
If the accuser sends you a message saying they want to meet and make amends or cut a deal, refuse the meeting unless it is in a public place and there are adult witnesses. You must not, under any circumstances, spend time alone with the accuser because they might use it to fabricate more accusations against you.
Work on your defense
Even though the accusations are false, you must start building your defense immediately. Ignoring such charges can only hurt you.
You know you are innocent, and you will be innocent until the accuser can prove you are guilty. Do not wait for that to happen.