A man in O’Brien County has been arrested and now faces a felony drug charge, according to officials at the local sheriff’s office. Officers in Samborn arrested the Iowa man following the execution of a search warrant. He is being held against $25,000 bond until his court date, where he will respond to his drug charge while being represented by a defense attorney.
According to a release issued to the public on Nov. 19, a search warrant was served on the man. The warrant alleged that between the years of 2014 and 2017, he was actively involved in selling methamphetamine to a source that remains confidential. He is also believed to have been engaged in drug sales in Clay City in 2015.
During this time, he is also believed to have been involved in transporting large quantities of the alleged drugs around the state. When he was arrested by authorities following execution of the warrant, he was found with what police claim to be 4 grams of methamphetamine. He faces a felony charge of ongoing criminal conduct as well as numerous drug charges.
A drug charge pertaining to trafficking can net a serious jail sentence here in Iowa. However, it will be up to prosecutors to provide conclusive evidence of his involvement in the alleged drug ring before any conviction can be won. The man’s criminal defense representation will review any and all evidence presented by the prosecution before his trial date, in order to assess its admissibility at trial and to identify any issues of fact or law to address before the court.